How did you find the overall acting level of the movie? Was it really poor or you think actors did a flawless job there and were felt as if they are performing naturally?
Score “1″ means you think the acting was very poor while score “5″ being the highest means acting was at its best.
Remember, this rating is meant for acting as a whole and not just for the performance of a particular actor.
Story of the movie:
What you think about the basic topic or the main story of the movie? Did you really find it strong and something interesting and unique enough to make a movie on?
Score “1″ means you think story was very poor while score “5″ being the highest means you found the story really strong.
How would you rate the overall work of movie director? You think direction was really up to the mark or you feel there were some serious loopholes in the movie?
Score “1″ means you think the overall movie direction was very weak while score “5″ being the highest means you think director did a great job.
Movie Rating As Whole:
How would you rate the movie as a complete package? Here you will basically rate the movie keeping in mind each and every aspect of it, for instance, its music, marketing, dialogue deliveries, screen play, and everything that was part of the movie.
Star “1″ means the movie didn’t really manage to impress you, while Star “5″ being the highest means you found the movie really amazing.
Note: I am very Thankful to Galaxy Lollywood Team as they allow me to use their Text and Template of Movie Voting’s for my blog.
Admin | Yasser
Bilal Kiyani
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