
Sunday 8 December 2013

The Unrest of Indian Leaders and Media Over Success of Pakistani Movie “Waar"

Not only Indian leaders or politicians but Producers, Directors and Actors linked with Indian media have been always on the front to spread hatred against Pakistan and to destroy the foundation of Pakistan i.e. Two Nations Theory. This is the propaganda of Indian media and film industry that the venom of hatred against Pakistan has been injected in the blood of the Indian society. This is why in Indian elections, political parties are not chosen due to their developmental work, solution of public problems but the harm done to Pakistan or threatening statements given against Pakistan. As a result of such standard of getting the votes the topic of Indian politicians remains limited to propaganda against Pakistan, Pak army and ISI.

If we analyze the use of Indian Film Industry or Bollywood against Pakistan as a weapon that India has produced more than two dozen movies against Pakistan, Pak Army and ISI; some movies directly hit Pakistan and Two Nations Theory through characters and places while some target Pakistan symbolically. The top of the list anti-Pakistan movies include Sarfrosh (سرفروش), Hindustan Ki Qasam (ہندوستان کی قسم), Pukar (پُکار), Roja (روجا), Border (بارڈر), Bombay (بمبئی), Earth 1947 (ارتھ 1947), Train to Pakistan, Hai Raam (ہائے رام), Auzaar (اوزار) and Mission Kashmir. When Indian movie viewers get out of cinema after watching Indian movie Border they are chanting slogans against Pakistan; free shows are organized for students to watch Border movie. Indian movie Hindustan Ki Qasam carries the propaganda that Pakistan Army and ISI are the only hurdle in the way of peace between India and Pakistan; same allegation has been repeated by Indian PM Manmohan Singh and FM Suleman Khursheed through such propaganda they are attempting to misguide world that Pakistan Army and ISI is the only cause of tension over LoC (line of control), Pak Army targets Indian posts to facilitate millitants to infiltrate into IoK (Indian Occupied Kashmir) while ISI provides financial support to Kashmiri Freedom Fighters.

In Indian movie AUZAAR the dialogue from character of hero, “Pakistan is present on the map because of India; if at the time of partition India had not paid 65 million to Pakistan than Pakistan would not have been present over the map of the world” was repeated for a long time by Indian politicians while addressing public for votes. Indian movie PUKAAR goes one step ahead of moral values and Pakistani leadership have been abused in this movie showing the bitter reality of Hindu mind. The founder of anti-Pakistan movies and dramas was Prithvi Raaj Kapoor, who produced Indian drama “DEEWAR” (دیوار) that is the only Indian drama that has been telecasted for five years continuously. Getting motivated from this anti-Pakistan and anti-Two Nations Theory drama series, producers Bombay film industry belonging to Madras, Manoj Kumar and Shanta Ram laid foundation of the anti-Pakistan movies. Manoj Kumar’s movie “BHARAT” was produced. Afterwards Prithvi Raaj Kapoor, KN Singh, IS Johar and Rama Sagar whose anti-Pakistan movies have been appreciated by Indian Congress party were invited to meet Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi requested them to produce anti-Pakistan movies so that Bengalis in Eastern Pakistan could be instigated for hatred and treason against Pakistan.

After Indira, Rajiv Gandhi continued funding of anti-Pakistan movies through RAW and this was due to the funding by Rajiv carried out through RAW that underworld access to Indian Film Industry and afterwards through proper planning links of famous Indian actors and actresses were established into Pakistan. In other words, on one hand propaganda against Pakistan, ISI, Pak Army, LeT (Lashkar e Taiba) and Kashmiri Mujahedeen was continued while on the other hand famous Indian actors visited Pakistan to participate in peace conference, peace delegations etc. and gave lectures over friendship and peace between Pakistan and India. All these efforts are concentrated on one central idea i.e. Indian public and international community could be forced to believe that Pakistan is the only country that is threat to international peace, supporter of terrorists and religious extremism and Pakistani public should be taken into control through sexy Indian actresses and wicked so-called intellectuals. Indian beauties sent to Pakistan were briefed that their target would be greedy businessmen and industrialists, licentious elite, intellectuals and journalists devoid of religious values. Now how much these agents launched by Indians succeeded in weakening the Two Nations Theory and how much Indian movies infected Indian and international public one can easily imagine that. The bitter reality is that not a single anti-Pakistan movie have been condemned by Pakistan or Pakistani public protested against it; not a single column has been written, not a single TV talkshow condemned anti-Pakistan Indian movies, Free Pakistani media did not feel any need to discuss Indian propaganda, not only this but our govt. is not concerned about destructive Indian weapon of PROPAGANDA.

The strange fact is that only a single movie produced in Pakistan unveiling the real face of India “WAAR” has jolted India. Whether it is DurDarshan national Indian channel or a private channel no one has been left behind in expressing unrest or dislike over Pakistani movie. Many TV Channels telecasted analyses consisting of selected Scenes from the movie for 15 minutes, not only this Indian newspapers did not remain behind in this propaganda. Hindustan Times even wrote that the script of Pakistani film was written by “ISI” and funded by ex-Don

One may remember that Dawood Ibrahim is wanted by India for some bomb blasts that happened in 1990, after fleeing from India he is now living somewhere underground. There are reports that he is living in New Delhi with new identity but India has left no stone unturned to prove that he is hiding in Pakistan, Indian govt. has repeatedly alleged that he is under protection of Pak Army and ISI. However, world and especially USA is not ready to accept Indian allegations. Let’s come back to today’s topic Pakistani movie, WAAR that has broken the records of business on its first day of launch produced in the Pakistani Film Industry that has been completely destroyed. Cinemas have either being converted into Theatres or replaced by Plazas, the remaining cinemas are nothing more than haunted houses.

Pakistani movie WAAR broke out all the records of Pakistani Film Industry and business on its first day. At least why? Is this the question that has Indian politicians and media restless? Does India think that if Pakistani Movie relives than Indian movies will have no place in Pakistan and India will lose that extra financial source? This is the point of view of Pakistani business class but the truth is that the actual cause of Indian unrest is the story of WAAR movie that unveils Indian armed interference and terrorism in Pakistan. Anti-Pakistan politicians, rulers and intellectuals in India have become aware that the fame and huge business of WAAR shows that Indian trap of AMAN KI ASHA and other plans of India to entrap Pakistani public have badly failed on which India has invested trillions of rupees in last three decades. An Indian journalist writes that the success and mega business of WAAR is a referendum against India in which Pakistanis have stamped on YES that INDIA IS INVOLVED IN TERRORISM IN PAKISTAN.

In this state of worriedness and unrest India is alleging ISI and Dawood Ibrahim for this movie. Not only this in the Hindustan Times on 29 September 2013, a story was filed on the first page that Pakistan’s secret agency ISI and Dawood Ibrahim are jointly going to launch a TV Network, The Bol Channel Network. The purpose behind this nefarious report was to defame Pakistan that WAAR is joint venture of ISI and Dawood Ibrahim, moreover Dawood Ibrahim is not only under protection of ISI in Pakistan but also doing business as well. However, when the owners of Bol TV Network sent legal notice and threatened to take legal steps against newspaper, Hindustan Times took back its news report saying that on the investigations the report has been proved to be fake thus this report against BOL TV Network has been removed from pages of Hindustan Times. This proves that Indian media and film industry can go to any limit against Pakistan but cannot tolerate only a single film as reply…

Article By Khalid Baig (Nawa-e-Waqt)

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